Ahhhh fresh start. So here we are now. I'm tired of using heavy blog software, so here comes my self-coded crappy piece of leightweight blog system.

why did I code it by myself and didn't took an instance of one of the 1000 php blog software?

mainly because I can.

And: I didn't put in graphics. Not a single one. However, in result you got a 5kb page that loads fast as fuck.

maybe i'll build in a code highlightning or some stuff, idk.

If you really, really want to use this blog software feel free to contact me. I'll send it to you. But be warned: it runs on mysql and php.

Just in case you're wondering about the webpage's style: I like my websites how i like my coffee. Strong! -- what? -- No, sorry. dark! It isn't only about saving power (at least on some screening technologies) and it's not just reducing eyestrain, it's a lifestyle.

This time my blog will be in english even if i'm from germany. So please excuse grammatical or spelling mistakes in advance.