If you're reading this, you propably expect to get one or more tips for tools you didn't already know that make you more productive magically. In case you are a disciplined worker, you will be disappointed to read this article as the title was a little clickbaity.

But in case you are in a phase like me some weeks ago, you are procrastinating and wasting your time reading articles and watching videos on how to be productive. I hope this method and the comprehensive tooling will help you.

Start for 5 Minutes

If you have to work on stuff you don't want to work on, start a stop watch (no timer with notification), put it outside your field of view and start the task. If you take a look at the watch again and >= 5 mins passed, you can desicde if you stop or finish that task.

If you stop: You got more done than you would have done without this method. If you continue or ignore the stop watch: Congratulations, you were outgrowing yourself.

How to get productive

  • Get your ass up
  • Replace "I should" with "I will"
  • Switch off distractions
  • Kick off that sound track that makes you focus
  • Start working

You want a new Todo-App? --> Open your text editor. You want to note sth? --> Text editor.

It's amazing how you're able to organize stuff inside a simple text editor by just starting.

Have a productive day.